Extra Credit
Extra Credit Podcast
Bible Study with Bonhoeffer

Bible Study with Bonhoeffer

1 Corinthians pt. 13
Second Chances by Scott Erickson

In Acts 8 Stephen comes upon an Ethiopian eunuch seated in his chariot studying Isaiah 53. Stephen asks him, “Do you understand what you are reading?” The eunuch replies, “How can I unless someone guides me?” The eunuch’s question about the passage in Isaiah is a good one: “Who is this about?” Not “What is this about?” but “Who?”

Isaiah 53 is a well-beloved passage that most Christians are very familiar with. The same is true for the “love chapter,” 1 Corinthians 13.

This week we let Dietrich Bonhoeffer guide us through a passage that we are, perhaps, overly familiar with. Bonhoeffer is the perfect guide for this text because his primary question in all his theology is the same as the eunuch’s “Who is this about?”

Bonhoeffer guides us through 1 Corinthians 13 by way of four sermons he preached to his German Lutheran congregation in London in 1934. You can find the sermons attached below.

Bonhoeffer 1 Cor 13
1.65MB ∙ PDF file

Extra Credit
Extra Credit Podcast
A follow-up newsletter to midweek Bible study at Colonial Heights Church